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Monster Lab - A Monster High Fandom Wiki

Evolution is the pet of Angela Goulding.


Physical Description[]

Evolution is an eagle with a brown body, beige face and wings, black eyes, yellow beak and orange claw feet. He is said to look very graceful.

Bio Description[]

'He's almost a work of art, but he's just as powerful as he should be."


  • AGE: 5
  • KILLER STYLE: My feathers are always a fine touch to accentuate my powerful hearty stare.
  • PET: Angela Goulding. She's such a good girl.
  • FAVOURITE ACTIVITY: Why, art, of course. My re-enactment of the Mona Lisa from feathers and paint won me a GCOA (Golden Claw of Art)
  • BIGGEST PET PEEVE: The inreplication of masterpieces. I can't ever seem to make that happen.
  • FAVOURITE FOOD: The leaves of the knowledge tree. Oh yes, and lots of meat.
  • BFFs: Scuttle, Kadwizia, Professor Scot and Flamer are all just darling.


  • Evolution is the fourth bird character if he were canon, following Sir Hoots A Lot, Roux (technically part-bird) and the Werecat's former unnamed canary.